Tai Lopez. - 3 Ways To Move Up The Pyramid Of Wealth
Tai Lopez Pyramid of Wealth Training Video on the 3 Things That His Mentors Taught Him.
This is a video of everything Tai Lopez wished they taught him in school. Throughout his many years of different millionaire mentors, courses and books all led to the creation of the 67 Steps program. Over 100,000 people world wide have purchased the 67 Steps and thousands have changed their lives in all the pillars of the good life; Health, Wealth, Love & Happiness.
The 67 Steps Program:
Tai Lopez's Backstory:
Tai Lopez went from $47 in his bank account and living on his mother's couch in North Carolina to buying a Lamborghini and living in a mansion in Beverly Hills.
He has traveled to over 30 countries, built million dollar business, and interviewed some of the brightest minds alive. Also owns the biggest online non-fiction book club in the world and my TEDx talk has over 5 million views.
This is a video of everything Tai Lopez wished they taught him in school. Throughout his many years of different millionaire mentors, courses and books all led to the creation of the 67 Steps program. Over 100,000 people world wide have purchased the 67 Steps and thousands have changed their lives in all the pillars of the good life; Health, Wealth, Love & Happiness.
The 67 Steps Program:
Tai Lopez's Backstory:
Tai Lopez went from $47 in his bank account and living on his mother's couch in North Carolina to buying a Lamborghini and living in a mansion in Beverly Hills.
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Potty training. video for toddlers to watch - Potty Training Songs / toilet trainign DVD
Potty training video for toddlers to watch
This song is part of the App: http://www.pottytrainingapp.com/redir...
DO The Potty Dance,
DO DO The Potty Dance.
If you can feel it then it's time,
Go to your potty put your pants down.
Sit over and wait.
Wait Wait Wait.
Until you poo or pee,
or both and
then you've got to wipe it away,
with toilet paper,
and celebrate as you flush it away.
Are you looking for a brand new challenge? Why not become a professional scuba diving instructor?
If you are over 18 years old and a Certified PADI Divemaster or hold a similar certification from an alternative training organization this could be the opportunity of a lifetime to gain a brand new rewarding and successful career.
The PADI Instructor Development Course (IDC) in the Gili Islands, Indonesia offers the very highest possible educational experiences and the best possible start to an exciting new career as a scuba diving instructor. The program offers world class training facilities alongside a wealth of experience provided by highly skilled diving professionals.
The program teaches dive professional how to deliver the entire range of PADI programs, courses and experiences in way that provides an extremely high standard of education in a fun and easy to learn format.
Test Yourself - Project AWARE - PADI IDC Gili Islands - Trawangan Dive, Indonesia.
Test yourself with the PADI IDC Indonesia Project AWARE self-test, designed to test, educate and refresh knowledge about environmental awareness and the Project AWARE Foundation and its goals. Focusing on the critical issues of Sharks in Peril and Marine Debris, Project AWARE empowers thousands of divers in more than 182 countries to work together for a clean, healthy and abundant ocean planet.
There are a variety of Biorock, Reef Restoration and Coral Conservation programs available to be taken in conjunction with the PADI IDC in Gili Trawangan. The PADI IDC Indonesia offers the very best of training facilities expected from being conducted within the industry at a PADI 5 Star IDC Career Development Center (CDC) in the Gili Islands
As well as a guaranteed pass in the Instructor Examinations, candidates will learn a range of techniques and methods for delivering the entire range of programs and courses within the PADI education system in a safe, fun and professional way.
PADI 5 Star IDC CDC Center in the Gili Islands, Indonesia.
Check out the PADI IDC Indonesia offered at PADI 5 Star IDC Career Development Center (CDC) in Gili Trawangan, Indonesia. The dive center offers the very highest possible standard of training facilities available within industry. Candidates will gain the opportunity to learn from some of the industry’s top diving professionals.
As well as first class facilities, candidates on the PADI IDC Gili Islands can expect receive the very best of educational experiences alongside highly knowledgeable and experienced instructor trainers. The program is designed to provide invaluable tips and introduce a range of methods for delivering the PADI educational system in a fun, safe and educational manor.
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PADI Instructor Development Course (IDC) Indonesia | 100% Pass Rate for 2014 | PADI IDC Gili Islands.
2014 saw many scuba diving professionals choosing the PADI IDC Indonesia to secure a guaranteed pass on their scuba diving instructor training course and gaining a highly rewarding and successful career within the industry.
The PADI IDC Gili Islands Program takes place every month and offers candidates the chance to lean from some of the best dive professionals within the industry. The program offers candidates the highest possible standard of training facilities within the recreational diving industry
Taking the PADI IDC in Gili Trawangan offers candidates the chance to not only gain successful result in the final exam but will introduced to vast range of teaching techniques provided by some of the most experienced instructor trainers within the industry. Candidates can expect world class training facilities provided by a PADI 5 Star IDC Career Development Center (CDC)
Another 100 candidates saw another 100 percent pass rate for 2015 with the PADI IDC Gili Islands Instructor Development Course. The program offers candidates the best possible chance of success at the Instructor Examination and also teaches candidates how to organize, structure and deliver the full range of PADI programs, courses and experiences to new divers in a fun and easy to understand way
2015 saw over 100 PADI professionals choosing to change their lives and become scuba diving instructors. 100 percent of candidates during the year went on to gain rewarding and successful careers within the industry.
The monthly program offers the highest possible quality of educational experience available within the industry alongside some of the most knowledgeable and experience dive professionals around. Candidates also benefit from the world class training facilities offered by a PADI 5 Star IDC PADI Career Development Center (CDC).
PADI IDC Gili Islands 2013 - Instructor Development Course (IDC) in Gili Trawangan – Indonesia.
2013 saw some fantastic people and some excellent dive professionals choosing the PADI IDC Indonesia in the Gili Islands to gain a rewarding and successful career within the diving industry. The program is conducted to an extremely high educational standard and offers the very best or professional training facilities available.
Taking the PADI IDC in Gili Trawangan provides dive professionals with the opportunity to take advantage of the world class facilities expected from a PADI 5 Star IDC Career Development Center (CDC) and to gain an exceptional educational experience alongside some of the most experienced instructor trainers the world has to offer.
As well as learning to be highly successful during the externally examined Instructor Examination candidates learn how to organize, structure and deliver the full range of PADI programs, courses and experiences to new divers in a fun and educational manor http://www.idc-gili.com
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Publicado el 14 oct. 2016
Endometriosis y otros temas de fertilidad en http://inser.com.co/Suscribete/
Endometriosis: síntomas, causas y tratamiento
La endometriosis es una enfermedad que afecta a mujeres en su etapa reproductiva y que consiste en un incorrecto desarrollo del endometrio que provoca que las células endometriales tengan presencia fuera de la cavidad endometrial.
Esas células, en lugar de permanecer en el útero o salir con la sangre menstrual, vuelven a través de las trompas y se dirigen a la pelvis.
Su presencia allí es interpretada por el cuerpo como un cuerpo extraño, y al no lograr eliminarlas, se activa un proceso inflamatorio. Mientras que en algunos casos se producen síntomas, en la mayoría de los casos la endometriosis permanece asintomática.
Endometriósis: síntomas
La infertilidad y el dolor son los principales síntomas de la existencia de Endometriosis. El dolor se centra en la zona pélvica y se produce durante o inmediatamente antes de la menstruación, disminuyendo su intensidad al terminar ésta. También puede aparecer dolor durante las relaciones sexuales o al orinar.
La adherencia de tejidos u órganos que alteren las estructuras normales puede afectar al proceso reproductivo, así como la producción de hormonas como resultado de esta enfermedad que tengan un efecto negativo sobre la ovulación.
Endometriosis: causas
Las causas que provocan la endometriosis son una incógnita a día de hoy, si bien existen diversas teorías al respecto.
Se apunta como posible causa, que parte de la sangre menstrual que discurre por las trompas de Falopio, llegue al abdomen en lugar de ser expulsada. Esta posibilidad no explica, sin embargo, porque hay mujeres a quien les sucede esto y no desarrollan endometriosis.
Otra teoría refiere que la causa puede deberse a un problema de inmunodeficiencia. Las defensas encargadas de combatir microbios, bacterias y células de origen anormal en el abdomen podrían ser ineficaces, de manera que dejaran paso a las células endometriales en lugar de combatirlas.
Tampoco se descarta que la endometriosis pueda estar relacionada con factores hereditarios, ya que se han dado casos en los que madres e hijas han sufrido idéntica enfermedad.
Cómo tratar la endometriosis
El tratamiento será distinto en función del enfoque que plantea la paciente. Si la endometriosis está generando una sintomatología dolorosa, el tratamiento debe centrarse en solucionar este aspecto. Cuando no existe un problema de dolor, el enfoque del tratamiento debe realizarse desde la perspectiva de la conservación y preservación de los órganos pélvicos para poder salvaguardar la fertilidad.
Preguntas en este video de endometriosis
0:45 ¿Qué es la endometriosis?
2:25 ¿Hay características en las mujeres para que la endometriosis afecte más a unas que a otras?
4:02 Afecta la endometriosis de la misma manera a todas las pacientes?
5:43 ¿Cómo se debe tratar la endometriosis?
8:38 ¿Cómo saber si alguien sufre de endometriosis, a pesar de no sentir dolor?
10:26 ¿Dónde consultar para tratar la endometriosis?
Suscríbete a todas las noticias de fertilidad aquí:
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Pros#1. Unique Yoga Burn Program Designed for Women
It is extremely difficult to find a similar program that stays true to traditional yoga positions while also incorporating movements that are effective at helping women lose weight and burn fat and calories.
While many other courses on the market combine yoga and harsher cardio exercises in one workout,
Her Yoga Secrets never breaks away from relaxing yoga, but Zoe Bray-Cotton mixes
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Pros#2. YogaBurn Suits Women Of All Fitness Levels
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find ways that can help you stay motivated, like tracking your progress and giving yourself small rewards.
Cons#2. YogaBurn Directed towards beginners
While Yoga Burn remains interesting and is fast-paced while maintaining familiarity,
it is still definitely directed toward beginners for two phase,
but if you make to the third phase it becomes incredibly tough.
Test Yourself - Project AWARE - PADI IDC Gili Islands - Trawangan Dive, Indonesia
The PADI IDC Indonesia at Trawangan Dive ; the only PADI Career Development Center in Gili Trawangan is fully conducted by Platinum PADI Course Director Holly Macleod and now incorporates a fun Project AWARE presentation allowing IDC candidates to not only learn a bit more about the foundation, but also spread awareness to their divers.
As well as Project AWARE we also run a full range of reef restoration programs and are working closely with the Biorock Indonesia to help regenerate coral.
The PADI IDC Gili Islands program runs every month at Trawangan Dive and offers new instructors a wealth of knowledge to create a rewarding and successful career as a Scuba Diving Instructor. The program runs for 11 days with an additional 4 days of pre IDC preparation before the course starts.
All instructor level programs are fully conducted by Platinum PADI Course Director Holly Macleod who has years of experience within the industry; having worked in such places as Australia, The Caribbean Thailand, Malaysia, The Philippines, Papua New Guinea and of course now Indonesia. She will guide you every step of the way through the program and will accompany you to your PADI Examination. Having worked in such a variety of countries and in a range of scuba related roles she will be able to advise you or up and coming jobs as well advising you of what to expect from certain roles and of course of certain locations.
PADI 5 Star IDC CDC Center in the Gili Islands, Indonesia
Trawangan Dive offers first class facilities in which to take the PADI IDC Gili Islands IDC with Platinum PADI Course Director Holly Macleod at the only PADI Career Development Center on Gili Trawangan.
Trawangan Dive is the first PADI 5 Star Career Development Center in the Gili Islands and is the leading professional instructor training center in the region. The Career Development Center status is only given to dive centers with the highest rated facilities for Instructor training and a proven track record in training dive professionals as well as the ability to offer post IDC career support and job placement.
Platinum status is awarded to PADI Course Directors who regularly train successful IDC candidates through to Open Water Scuba instructor status and beyond. It is the highest rating achievable within the PADI professional ratings system and any candidate looking to complete their IDC with an experienced and recognized Course Director should look for this rating.
The Instructor training program is based on an 11 day schedule plus 5 days of pre IDC preparation training designed to ensure that our candidates make the best possible transition onto the PADI IDC Indonesia Program. Trawangan Dive has 2 training pools, a dedicated IDC classroom with the most up to date materials and 3 dive boats. The program has been developed over the years and is designed for candidates to get the best possible start within the industry and is constantly evolving to improve training schedules to give each individual candidate the time and support to work on the areas of training that they need most.
During the pre IDC preparation program candidates will review the dive knowledge and skills learnt during their Divemaster Course. The PADI IDC Indonesia team will spend time with each candidate assisting them in refreshing their demonstration level skill circuits, rescue practice and the all-important dive theory study sessions. We also take the time to work with each candidate to understand any changes to the PADI curriculum or training programs that may have been updated since their DM training.
The PADI 5 Star Instructor Development Course is split between theory and practical sessions. We train candidates in the standards, organization and conduct of each individual PADI program and then run practical workshops where candidates will practice running their own courses and skill development sessions with their own students. Candidates receive immediate feedback at all levels with the aim of helping them to improve their teaching style and skills and become the best PADI Instructors possible.
During the course of 2014 we have seen over 70 PADI Instructors graduate and go on to “teach the world to dive” in a variety of worldwide locations.
The PADI IDC Indonesia is conducted every month at Trawangan Dive in the Gili Islands. Trawangan Dive is the first ever established PADI Career Development Center (CDC) in the Gili Islands and is one of Indonesia’s most reputable Instructor training centers.
All Instructor level training at Trawangan Dive is conducted by Platinum PADI Course Director Holly Macleod who has a wealth of experience within the recreational dive industry; having working in a variety of diving related roles and in a variety of locations including Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, The Philippines and The Caribbean.
To find out more About the PADI Instructor Development Course at Trawangan Dive with Platinum PADI Course Director Holly Macleod
The PADI IDC Gili Islands with Award Winning Platinum PADI Course Director Holly Macleod takes place at the only PADI 5 Star IDC Career Development Center (CDC) in Gili Trawangan, Indonesia.
During the program candidates will develop their skills as professionals within the recreational diving industry. As well as taking part in the required PADI Instructor Development Curriculum our Platinum PADI Course Director includes a variety of additional workshops.
The course runs over a period of 11 days with an additional 5 days of preparation. The preparation period is designed to review and practice the skills and knowledge learnt during the Divemaster Course. As well as the PADI Skill Circuit, Instructor candidates will also review diving theory so as to make the perfect start on the PADI IDC Indonesia Program.
The 11 day course covers all of the mandatory presentations which can be found on any PADI Instructor Development Course. Mandatory sessions take place in the classroom, the swimming pool and the ocean.
In the classroom candidates will study Standards and Procedures, Risk Management, The 4 E’s of Sales, Marketing, Diver Acquisition, Diver Retention, and The Business of Diving. candidates will also practice their individual Knowledge Development teaching presentations during classroom sessions.
In the swimming pool Platinum PADI Course Director Holly, will conducted a range of confined sessions including a Rescue Workshop, a Skills Workshop, a DSD Workshop and Rescue Exercise 7 Practice. Candidates will also practice their individual confined teaching presentations whilst being evaluated by the Course Director.
Open Water session include CESA and Descent Workshops, The Skills Workshops, the Rescue and the Adventures in Diving Workshop Workshops. Also Open Water Teaching Presentations will be practiced numerous times whilst also being evaluated. In addition candidates will get plenty of opportunity to practice Rescue Exercise 7.
As well as the mandatory sessions our Platinum PADI Course Director as included a variety of her own additional workshops such a dive site management, student control and various other components designed to make the transition into working life as easy as possible.
In recent years the PADI IDC Indonesia program has gone from strength to strength, providing dive professionals with a first class education and the necessary skills to progress within the diving industry, and having already been awarded for its commitment to providing professional PADI Instructor training, is now attracting more and more people looking for a quality educational experience.
The course is fully conducted by Holly Macleod who has not only repeatedly been awarded the Platinum PADI Course Director Status in respect of her commitment to Instructor Development and pure professionalism, but has also been repeatedly awarded the Elite 300 Instructor Award denoting the high level of experience in Instructor training during each calendar year.
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PADI IDC Gili Islands. 2013 - Instructor Development Course (IDC) in Gili Trawangan – Indonesia
Instructor training programs at Trawangan Dive are conducted by Platinum PADI Course Director Holly Macleod.
The program is one of the best priced IDC programs available that doesn’t compromise the overall quality of the course. This price vs quality benefits are achieved in a number a ways. First of all our crystal clear open water training sites are located only a stone’s throw away and our exclusive PADI CDC Center is located directly on the beach allowing us to minimize the costs associated with transport to and from the training site and maximizing the actual time spent on the training site, in the pool and in the classroom.
Our Dive Center is one of the largest and most popular in Indonesia, meaning that there are always many courses taking place so we are able to again minimize logistical costs whilst also allowing instructor candidates to see first-hand how techniques are delivered in a variety of different real life teaching scenarios.
Instructor candidates can expect to take full advantage of the knowledge and experience of our Platinum PADI Course Director Holly Macleod and benefit from over a decade of real-world experience, having worked in The Caribbean, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia and of course Indonesia. Having experienced many of situations an instructor can expect to face within the industry, she can advise and assist candidates on what to expect when applying for particular jobs in particular locations.
The PADI IDC Gili Islands provides you with the necessary tools to enjoy a rewarding and successful career as a PADI Instructor; balancing the needs of guests, colleagues and managers to deliver the finest dive training available whist developing both knowledge and skills over and above those generally found within the dive industry, making you extremely employable.
PADI Instructor Development Course. (IDC) - Gili Islands - Indonesia
We run the IDC course in conjunction with Trawangan Dive which is a five star PADI CDC Centre and at 950 Euro including EFRI. It is possibly one of the cheapest IDC you will find, without in any way compromising the quality of our training. We are able to achieve this balance in a variety of ways. The training sites are very close to the dive center and we are situated directly on the beach which means that we minimize the overheads associated with travelling to the training site whilst maximizing the time spent in the classroom. We operate within a large volume dive center so we are able to minimize logistical cost whilst also gaining access to a variety of instructors allowing candidates to see firsthand the different approaches used within real life teaching scenarios.
You will benefit directly from the real-world diving industry experience of our PADI Course Director Holly Macleod. She has over a decade of experience as a PADI Instructor in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, The Philippines and The Caribbean. Her background means that she has experienced many of the situations an Instructor can expect to meet. She will show you how to apply what you learn and how to successfully handle the challenges instructors face every day.Instructor Development Course
You'll become highly employable, worldwide. Dive centers seek instructors who know how to balance the needs of guests, colleagues and management, and who can deliver high-quality courses, sell and promote diving. Holly will help you to develop and apply the skills that make you more attractive to employers.
You'll gain teaching experience, by shadowing one of our staff teaching a PADI course.
You see for yourself the practicalities of running a course, and make a smooth transition to teaching students of your own.